Am fost foarte onorată de invitaţia lui Adrian Sandu de a participa la tabăra de pictură de la Bata – a fost foarte fain. Uite mai jos ce am făcut, ultima lucrare fiind o colaborare cu unul din artiştii mei preferaţi, Mircea Popescu. Lucrările au fost expuse la Muzeul de Artă din Arad, sala Ovidiu Maitec, 5-31 august 2013.
I was truly honored to be invited by Adrian Sandu to take part to the art camp at Bata – it was very nice. Below are my works, last of which is a collaboration with one of my favourite artists, Mircea Popescu. All the works were exhibited at the Art Museum in Arad, 5th-30th of August, 2013.
Pe pânza asta scrie: despre ce vorbeam? ah, da. DOAMNE AJUTĂ că mai am nişte vârcolaci în barbă să mă apere de tot. Nea Nae cuţitaru cu-n ochi plânge, plânge de-i vuieşte barba şi-i şuieră nările, şi vârcolacii îi zic TACI TU dar el parcă mai tare. On the first canvas it reads: what was I talking about? oh, yes. THANK GOD I still have some werewolves (the Romanian kind, which mainly eats the sun or the moon during the eclipse) in my beard to defend me from everything. Mister Nae Cutter with one eye cries, cries so hard his beard is roaring and his nostrils are whistling, and the werewolves say to him YOU SHUSH but he does it even more so.
DOAMNE AJUTĂ, 60x60cm, marker on canvas, 2013
Hala de la Mehala e o expresie din Timisoara care se refera la o persoana lacoma din cartierul Mehala. Hala mai e si depozit si de aia is casele alea dragute – sa aiba porcul ce manca. Hala de la Mehala is an expression in my town, referring to a greedy person from the Mehala neighbourhood. However, hala means also a warehouse of sorts, and that’s why there are some nice houses the pig is about to eat.
Hala de la Mehala, 60×60, marker, gel on canvas, 2013
Am scris Pomana in asa fel incat sa para ca-i scris Romania, daca te grabesti. Atat. I wrote Pomana (alms) so it would look like Romania to the busy reader. That’s all.
Pomana, 60x60cm, marker, spray on canvas, 2013
Nuti este o doamna despre care vorbea toata lumea in tabara, fara sa zica ceva specific. Am pierdut discutia initiala pe acest subiect si nu mi-am dat seama ce se intamplase. Mi s-a parut foarte potrivit sa aiba o lucrare a ei, dupa ce a avut o zi dedicata barfelor cu ea. Nuti is a woman everybody at the artcamp was talking about, without saying anything specific. I missed the first conversation on the matter so I could not make up what was going on. I thought it fitting for a work of her own, being that she had a day of gossip dedicated to her.
Nuţi, 60x60cm, marker, spray, metallic ink on canvas, 2013
Bietul Mircea a cam fost fortan in colaborarea asta, dar a indurat-o fara sa se planga. Numele vine de la filmul lui Bela Tar pe care nu l-a vazut nimeni. Poor Mircea was kind-of forced into this collaboration, but he endured it without complain. The name is from Bela Tar’s film that no-one saw.
Satan Tango (collaboration with Mircea Popescu), marker on canvas, 2013