Back and front drawing and watercolor work I’ve done together with Lucian Barbu, as part of an exploratory series on mental health and art therapy.
Back and front drawing and watercolor work I’ve done together with Lucian Barbu, as part of an exploratory series on mental health and art therapy.
Future Fossils is part of the Remembering Peace proposal in the Kyiv Biennial (17.10-17.12.2023) taking place in Vienna. For this exhibition I’ve remade the recuperated bio-plastic drawings made initially in 2021. At the end of the exhibition, as before, the drawings will be buried in the garden. Some future apocalypses reveals a bed of fossils […]
Ana Kun & Dan Perjovschi, Post- Post- is a visual dialogue between Dan and I on the current state of affairs and possible futures, where all of us (human and non-human beings, plants, fungi and so on) get to move past this state of terror into a post-anthropocentric world. The installation is part of the […]
Drawing made together with Lucian Barbu as part of a series of therapeutic drawings we’ve started at the beginning of Lucian’s artist in residence period at Balamuc.
Rabdă tot, marker pe hârtie, 21×29.7cm, recto-verso, 2023 Lucrez de anul trecut la un fanzin despre femeile din familia mea, pe care nu cred să-l termin prea curând. Între timp am făcut acest desen despre ce se vede și ce nu se vede, cu mine și bunica mea înainte de culcare, când eu eram mică […]